Thursday, October 10, 2013

5 Steps to Better Social Media Content Today

5 Steps to Better Social Media Content Today - 'Net Features - Website Magazine

:: By John Anderson, Guest Contributor ::

Social media has always been about the people, the individuals who care enough to go online and interact with their peers and share pieces of themselves with everyone. This is the hub of the people, for the people, by the people - err, the netizens, that is. So if you want to get in on the ride, you better be prepared to play along with the wonderful crazies of today. Fortunately, it’s nothing a simple content management plan can’t fix:


Bank in on the “social” aspect of the medium and get people moving - or at least clicking. In what way, you ask? According to an infographic from ShortStack, contests (40 percent) are the best way to engage users compared to photos (27 percent), wall topics (24 percent), custom apps (22 percent), videos (21 percent), links (13 percent), and questions (11 percent). Contests are a great way to garner new and old followers or consumers. Remember, though, that there are several contests out there waiting to be discovered so you have to think outside-of-the-box on this one. 
Note: The prize doesn’t have to be a tangible gift pack all the time. It can be as simple as getting featured or your very own tweet-turned-movie-VO-trailer.  
EXAMPLE (The Feed Orange UK):
This was definitely a cool and creative way to engage users on Twitter. Through a hashtag, combined with their resources, the company created something wonderfully unexpected. 
Social media acts as everyone’s personal press release and people have really grown a knack for announcing and sharing almost anything about them. Take advantage of this “ultimate sharer” persona and ask them to share their personal experiences with your brand or product/service. They will really appreciate that you’re on the listening/receiving end. 
Example: Zappos’ Levi’s Style Challenge
Ask them to share their personal style using your product/service.


Your ears may have gotten tired of hearing this but it’s the ultimate way to get real and personal. And what other way to do that than to involve the team behind the brand? This lets the consumers see the people - the blood, sweat, and tears - and not just the brand itself. It’s a way to tell consumers that you have a heart and soul and are capable of truly engaging your consumers. Nothing beats person-to-person “real” interaction. 
Example: AXE
The AXE Facebook page has found a “face” in its administrator, Rocky. 


In a world where everything (media) and everyone has become interconnected, it’s a huge blow if you don’t use this potful potential to the full. Crossing through media platforms and integrating one in the other is a common practice. What you have to think about is what will set you apart. Incorporate as much of the senses as possible. Remember that users are human beings that get excited on whatever thrills their imagination and senses.  
Take note of the interconnectivity that is on hyperspeed, utilize it, and see the magic happen. 
Example: hitRECord
HitRECord is a breeding site for various artists to collaborate. Artworks can be downloaded and altered according to one’s desire.  
According to David Robins, the Founder and CEO of the project management software, in a company blog post, with the available technology today, more and more people are working together via the Internet as it’s more efficient and done in real time. See, interrelation brings a lot of positive things into light and social media platforms are at the center of it all.


Tap on nostalgia and local pride once in a while. There is nothing more enthralling and inviting than talking about shared experiences in a certain locale or time period. This will give users - not necessarily your consumers alone - a sense of belonging, even exclusivity.      
Example: 90s kid on Instagram and Twitter
Example: #onlyinatlanta on Twitter


Using current events to spark discussion is one guide that never fails. The fact is they’re already talking about it and want to talk about it some more. Hosting an open discussion will get people going and before they know it, they’re already liking your page or following you back.
Example: Only in America... Facebook page
Tap on their human side and introduce your brand’s advocacy. Be careful not to sound hypocritical which will only be worse for you. Several people have been for public and community service these days. They don’t just buy. They want to make sure who they’re buying from is socially - even environmentally - responsible. And they love it when you are. 
For those mundane days, the use of trivia is usually a good way to spark interest among occasional browsers. This may not necessarily be about your brand or product/service. Google Doodle is one of the best examples for this:
There are several other ways of engaging users through the social media. Don’t be afraid to experiment and explore the countless possibilities. Loosen up a little and get in on the crazy fun! 
Author bio:
John Anderson writes about business, technology, and security. One of his main interests revolves around the inner workings of small businesses going online.
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